When I relax my legs now, the right leg doesn't turn out as much as the left anymore, because the surgery created more internal rotation. Was watching CNN last night and they did a piece on Asian women having eyelid surgery to make their eyes appear more open and round. Pretty soon internal rotation is going to be the hot new look. Just remember, you saw it here first.
Here it is, in full glory, no holds barred:
Next stop, Crash (the first one not the Sandra Bullock one)(which I am slightly ashamed to admit I saw in the movie theater but only because I was living in Japan at the time and desperate for anything in English).
Today is the day that I'm not holding it all together, being brave, being strong, healing quickly, or surprising the physical therapist with how well I'm doing. Today, I am doing craply, I am crying, I am pissy, and I want to throw the walker out the window.
(This may also be related to ramping down off the meds)
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